Friday, November 26, 2010

6 Months!!

It's quite a milestone, 6 months. It's funny how time works, on one hand it's hard to imagine (or remember) life without Logan. He's such a integral part of our lives now. On the other hand it seems like just yesterday that he was so tiny he was swimming in newborn clothes. Well, the swimming in newborn clothes days are LONG gone! Logan is a healthy young boy weighing in at just under 20 pounds at his 6 month check up. He took his vaccination shot like it was a tickle. We decided that his hefty thigh had no trouble absorbing the little pinch. He is quickly outgrowing all of the 9 month clothing I have and would easily devour up to 4 ounces of peas, pumpkin and apples at a feeding! We love our little guy and look forward to many more milestone moments.

1 comment:

Briana Almengor said...

His hair is really lightening. Can't wait to meet the little porker! :)