Sunday, May 19, 2013

One Down Many To Go!

I finally finished Noah's birth announcement!  It only took me about a year and a half.  I thought I would get a jump on his and start before he was born - it was a good idea but didn't end up taking any less time than Logan's.  So glad that it's done, now on to other projects... I have about 5 in various stages of completion.  Hmmm... which one to focus on now?  Maybe my mom's Christmas gift from last year???  ahhh!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pictures as promised

Since I posted about learning to crochet Tunisian style I have completed 3 dishcloths.  I'm really loving this new style of crocheting!  I love using my dish cloth so much I decided they would make excellent Mother's Day gifts.  (Mom yours is going to be a little late...)

So anyway, here are some pictures - not just of dishcloths but also of the boys since really that's why anyone reads this blog anyway!!

10 Blessings

Fridays I clean the house.  Logan helps me dust - for about 2 minutes.  Then he helps vacuum.  This lasts a little longer, usually 5 to 10 minutes - awesome!!  It takes us a while, it's usually spread out through the whole day, but at the end of the day I can say, "Whew! The house is clean!"  This past Friday night I came downstairs from putting the boys to bed and starting picking up all the toys.  I noticed some stray toys in the powder room.  When I turned to leave I noticed 10 lovely little finger prints perfectly placed on the bathroom mirror.  At first I felt frustration surging up in me and sigh of "Why do I BOTHER?!"  Then I realized these 10 precious finger prints are why I clean the house.  If for nothing more than to teach my boys; how to be responsible with all the Lord has blessed us with, the work ethic my mother taught me, to delight in a job well done, the importance of finishing a task, and many other subtle teaching points that come from the simple task of cleaning the mirror and vacuuming the floor.  If nothing else my boys keep me on my knees!  They are such a joy and delight. I pray I point them to Jesus every chance I get.
Unfortunately my picture doesn't do a very good job of capturing the hand prints, but you can kind of see them.