Monday, December 23, 2013

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Our pastor has been preaching about waiting the last couple of weeks and it's really struck me.  He has said almost every week, "Most of life is waiting."  For a while in my life and our life as a family I've felt like once we get out of our "two year stint" (two years living here, two years living there, two years living everywhere) then I won't feel like I'm waiting for something to happen all the time.  But as we settle into a hopefully more lengthy stay here in WI I'm beginning to realize he's right.  Whatever stage I am living in, there's always another stage and until Jesus comes back I will always be waiting.  Waiting for Heaven!  So I've been pondering waiting well, waiting in the moment.

I'm trying to view every moment as a way to bring honor and glory to God.  I often fail.  In just the past  3 days I can quickly count off more times that I have yelled at my kids, threw up my hands in exasperation, said things I should NOT have said, cared too much about my neighbors hearing what I just said, and every day when the boys are FINALLY down for naps I sink down on the couch and cry out to my maker for more patience, more energy, more compassion, more anything to get me through this day, this week, this time.  And I find myself thinking, once we move into our house, it will be better, life will be easier, I'll be a better mom, a better wife, a better child of God.  While it is true to some very small extent that living in our house will make life easier than living in this apartment, it is still the same lie that once I get to the next thing I'll be content.  If only...  So I keep on keeping on, striving to live with my chief end in mind knowing that "these light and momentary troubles are achieving an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."

And on a much lighter note:
Here are some snapshots of time at home in PA and a little bit of life in WI.  (I just found my camera, so glad I found it before Christmas! So more pictures to come)

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